Credits: Scent Design - Arianna Khmelniuk / Zapah Lab
Exhibition Design
Identity System
Packaging Design
Poster Design


Arianna Khmelniuk, whose art practice is known as Zapah Lab, enlisted my help for her exhibit EV-REE-THING at HiLo Press in Atlanta. Arianna’s practice focuses on what is known as “scent architecture.” She develops and uses various scents to give a viewer an enhanced feeling of “place.”

For this show, she wanted to use her three scent architectures derived from the MODA Atlanta, The High Musuem of Art, and Atlanta Contemporary. For this exhibit, the first thing we had to establish was the identity, labeling, and packaging of these three scents. Secondly, we had to create an interactive exhibit that would entice viewers to experience the scents in ways that would facilitate “place.”

We ended up creating a mobile sculpture to house each scent that was center of the exhibit. We then created three posters compromised of elements of each scent to help enlighten the viewers into what each scent consisted of. 

Each scent was for sale and came with a poster as a memento of the exhibition.


All Works © Christopher Knowles 2012—’24

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